BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

IAMTask_ConnectToServer procedure

The task extension requires a connection to the vault because it will update document properties. In the implementation of the ConnectToServer method, it requests the Task Server to open the vault (AMDocumentRepository). The WorkAreaID is set to ensure the task extension opens the vault in the work area that the user was working in.

Private Function IAMTask_ConnectToServer( EDMServer As String, _
Datastore As String, Section As String, _
WorkAreaID As String, User As String, _
Optional Password As Variant) As Boolean
EDMServer = EDMServer  'The name of the Meridian Enterprise server computer containing the vault.
Datastore = Datastore  'The name of the datastore to connect to.
Section = ""           'The name of the section to connect to (can be empty).
WorkAreaID = WorkAreaID
User = ""   ' Use default (Task Server Service) account
Password = ""  'Password not required
' Create AMDocumentRepository
IAMTask_ConnectToServer = True
End Function

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